Friday, October 29, 2010

Werther was an "attention whore".

When we were discussing The Sorrows of Young Werther today in class all I could think of was how much I disliked Werther. Overall, I really enjoyed the book but Werther was such an annoying character. I think I disliked him so much because he reminds me of a lot of people I know. People that society would label attention whores. Werther cared far too much about how society felt and tried to deflect that by claiming that he was anti-society. Do you agree with this idea?

If you've got time check out this video I made. I talk about some of the things we have done in English class. I even read one of Petrarch's poems. Click here for the video.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Rules of Love

Andreas Capellanus' rules of courtly love inspired me to share those rules with my YouTube "fans". I even added a few rules of my own. Seeing as how y'all have a copy of the list it shouldn't be hard to determine which rules I added in. Enjoy! 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Aeneid is rather relatable.

So far, I have found The Aeneid to be a lot more relatable than I expected. Since this work was originally compiled before the birth of Christ I was surprised that I was able to. I think the most relatable aspect was the role of Dido. I found her to be a very tragic character and while I can't say that I have never thought of killing myself over lost love I can definitely understand her pain.

In losing Aeanus, Dido lost everything. We all have friends who fell for someone fast and pushed their friends and family aside to spend all their time with their love only to be hurt and left all alone in the end.

I think people should look at Dido as a lesson. People should look for balance in their lives rather than putting all of themself into someone else.

Side note: I mentioned A Time To Kill in one of my earlier posts and the movie will be playing on TNT network on Sunday. You should watch it! It's a great film!